Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween! Merry Samhain!

Happy Halloween... or in other words- Merry Samhain! Samhain is a sabbat (or holy day) for those of the Pagan following. Today, we honor the end of the summer and the harvest. The days will shorten and grow colder, plants will die, and we retreat indoors for warmer temperatures and quality time with our families.

We also honor those who have come before us and are no longer physically with us. I personally display an arrangement of photographs and memorabilia of my deceased loved ones, light candles in their honor, and make homemade biscuits with apple slices to leave in their absence. (Of course, biscuits are crumpled and shared with the neighborhood birds and the apple slices composted.)

There are many ways that Pagans or just those who are spiritual acknowledge the day. We each just follow what is in our hearts. Regardless of whether you're honoring the old ways or just looking forward to a good scare and safe and have a fantastic day! (Be sure to keep warm too!)

For more information on Samhain, please follow this link.

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