Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Change Begins With You - The Girl Effect

I discovered this organization just yesterday and immediately it connected deep within my heart. No child should ever go through what our children are subjected to in our day and time. Yet in 2010, we still have these horrible events taking place. Please click the image to visit the website to learn more and see how you can contribute.

Sadly, most people when spoken with about helping others say one of the following.

"I can't afford to do anything."
 For the first part, if you can't afford to help, that's okay. Try a bake sale and donate the funds, donate a small portion of your Christmas money, heck...pass on those $100 shoes, sugar. I understand that times are tough right now but you and your children have more than these young girls do or will ever have unless someone helps them. If all else fails, tell others about this group.  

"Why help other countries when ours needs it?"
As for helping those in our country, yes...there are so many people in our country who need aid but why can't you help them both? Even a $10 donation to each company makes a difference in someone's life. In our country, there are so many avenues to get aid and help- if you're hungry, get food assistance...if you're broke, there are even McDonald's and Burger King's you can work at until something better comes along...if you're cold, you can get donated items or have assistance paying your bills! The aid is there if you need it but for these girls, there is none.

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