Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Catching Up

The Thanksgiving holidays were great. It was nice to enjoy such good food and to spend time with the family. I'm really looking forward to the Yule holiday season though, I really get into decorating the trees and buying presents. Buying the perfect gift for someone is always my favorite part!

I won't be going home again this holiday season but it won't be bad to spend time with the in-laws. I know I've been pretty bogged down with a lot of tasks and my blog has suffered for it, so I truly apologize. Once I can get back into a steady routine again, I'm going to make sure I return to blogging as per usual.

I've found some pretty interesting articles out there and fun little things to share and I'll be sure to do so! I hope everyone is happy and safe! Wishing all the best-

Be back shortly!

Friday, November 19, 2010

Busy Bee

This November has certainly been a busy one. Between heavy duty wedding planning, getting ready for the holidays, and constant errands... a friend of mine passed away this week so I have been unable to find time to stop by. 
We had been friends for nine years and although hadn't maintained the closest of contacts over the past couple of years, we did check in and chat a little. He had his life as I had mine. He was always ready to go on an adventure, do something new and experience life. Even if it was dangerous and I was warning him against it, he'd just smirk and do it anyway. I admired his vitality and (what seemed like his) enjoyment of life.
On Tuesday, he committed suicide at his family home. None of us (our collective group of friends) had any idea that he was feeling the way he did. He left no note, no journal, or any indication as to what would push him to this decision and we were always honest with one another. At this point, we'll never know what he was going through to make him take this step but it's been so very hard for everyone.
Although he's gone now, we'll always have the memories we shared together. I hope he finds the peace he was searching so desperately for. We love you, Chase.

So, with that- I'll try and post up some book reviews and things when I get the chance here in a day or two. I'll be back as soon as I can. Take care, everyone.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Topaz Artist - Alphonse Mucha

An amazing artist, another long-loved favorite: Alphonse Mucha. I could look at his artwork all day! I fell in love with the color usage, the fluidity of the hair and clothing, and how striking every single painting I've seen of his simply is. I am particularly fond of all of his art but this image, "Printemps, 1900", is just so lovely to me I had to feature it. I hope you enjoyed his art and if not, maybe next time!
To visit a comprehensive collection of Mucha's, please click the image to view an online art gallery. 
If you wish to visit a website to purchase some art replications, please visit here.                 
For more information on the artist, please visit here.

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Happy Halloween! Merry Samhain!

Happy Halloween... or in other words- Merry Samhain! Samhain is a sabbat (or holy day) for those of the Pagan following. Today, we honor the end of the summer and the harvest. The days will shorten and grow colder, plants will die, and we retreat indoors for warmer temperatures and quality time with our families.

We also honor those who have come before us and are no longer physically with us. I personally display an arrangement of photographs and memorabilia of my deceased loved ones, light candles in their honor, and make homemade biscuits with apple slices to leave in their absence. (Of course, biscuits are crumpled and shared with the neighborhood birds and the apple slices composted.)

There are many ways that Pagans or just those who are spiritual acknowledge the day. We each just follow what is in our hearts. Regardless of whether you're honoring the old ways or just looking forward to a good scare and trick-or-treating...be safe and have a fantastic day! (Be sure to keep warm too!)

For more information on Samhain, please follow this link.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Change Begins With You - The Girl Effect

I discovered this organization just yesterday and immediately it connected deep within my heart. No child should ever go through what our children are subjected to in our day and time. Yet in 2010, we still have these horrible events taking place. Please click the image to visit the website to learn more and see how you can contribute.

Sadly, most people when spoken with about helping others say one of the following.

"I can't afford to do anything."
 For the first part, if you can't afford to help, that's okay. Try a bake sale and donate the funds, donate a small portion of your Christmas money, heck...pass on those $100 shoes, sugar. I understand that times are tough right now but you and your children have more than these young girls do or will ever have unless someone helps them. If all else fails, tell others about this group.  

"Why help other countries when ours needs it?"
As for helping those in our country, yes...there are so many people in our country who need aid but why can't you help them both? Even a $10 donation to each company makes a difference in someone's life. In our country, there are so many avenues to get aid and help- if you're hungry, get food assistance...if you're broke, there are even McDonald's and Burger King's you can work at until something better comes along...if you're cold, you can get donated items or have assistance paying your bills! The aid is there if you need it but for these girls, there is none.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Kawaii! Super cute dresses and cosplay gear!

Super kawaii!
Having an avid love of all Japanese fashions, I discovered this website years ago when I was looking for some Sailor Moon fuku (or in other words, school uniforms) for a cosplay event. This website not only has cosplay materials but amazing EGL (Elegant Gothic Lolita) fashions. As the above image shows you, this is only small display of the clothing they offer and at great prices too compared to several other websites.

So whether you're into the kawaii fashions all year round, or just planning something cute and unique for Halloween- I would definitely recommend this website to see what is out there.

To visit the website, please click the image of the dresses.
If you wish to visit the direct link to the featured dresses, please click here.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Game On! - Legend of Dragoon

As an avid fan of the Final Fantasy franchise, this game called out to my attention the year it released. Yes, it was a decade ago that it came out. I fell in love with this game and beat it again for the second time just this year. I thought it was time to experience this game again and just like all those years ago, it still wowed.

You are Dart, a regular guy who is on a search for a horrible creature that destroyed his village many years before. While returning to his home he discovers his childhood friend, Shana, has been kidnapped by the evil kingdom of Sandora and burned his home to the ground. Along the way, you meet others who join you in your journey and harness the power of dragons. As the story unfolds, so many layers come together that surpass even some Final Fantasy games and expands into this dramatic, touching story of vengeance, redemption, and love.

The game was released for PlayStation and will be a bit expensive to buy in great condition, but it's definitely worth investing in.

Platform: PlayStation
Maturity Rating: 'T' for Teen
Entertaining: 5/5
Replay Value: 5/5
Quality: 5/5
Overall: 5/5