Friday, November 19, 2010

Busy Bee

This November has certainly been a busy one. Between heavy duty wedding planning, getting ready for the holidays, and constant errands... a friend of mine passed away this week so I have been unable to find time to stop by. 
We had been friends for nine years and although hadn't maintained the closest of contacts over the past couple of years, we did check in and chat a little. He had his life as I had mine. He was always ready to go on an adventure, do something new and experience life. Even if it was dangerous and I was warning him against it, he'd just smirk and do it anyway. I admired his vitality and (what seemed like his) enjoyment of life.
On Tuesday, he committed suicide at his family home. None of us (our collective group of friends) had any idea that he was feeling the way he did. He left no note, no journal, or any indication as to what would push him to this decision and we were always honest with one another. At this point, we'll never know what he was going through to make him take this step but it's been so very hard for everyone.
Although he's gone now, we'll always have the memories we shared together. I hope he finds the peace he was searching so desperately for. We love you, Chase.

So, with that- I'll try and post up some book reviews and things when I get the chance here in a day or two. I'll be back as soon as I can. Take care, everyone.

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